Thursday, December 4, 2008

I Smell Good...Because of My Dog

Any mother out there will tell you that it can be near impossible to find time for a shower some days when you have a small baby. Today was DEFINITELY one of those days! Determined to leave the house without offending everyone who came within 3 feet of me, I had to find a way. Then, Nala Monster herself came to mind.

Nala Monster and the baby do an outstanding job of entertaining each other every day. The dog loves to sit and stare at the baby, just out of his reach, while the baby squeals with excitement while trying to reach for her ears. I had to use this to my advantage!

I strapped the baby into his carseat, hung a few toys just in case, and brought both the carseat and the dog into the bathroom with me. Worked like a charm! My entire shower was spent listening to happy baby noises! Ah, a solution that is almost worthy of a parent hacks submission.

Now it's time for me to enjoy a tall/soy/no-whip/gingerbreadgingersnap latte/hold the funky ginger flakes, and finish my Christmas shopping!

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