Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Countdown to Tofurky Day!

With my move to the east coast, this is my first holiday season spent entirely away from my family. They've always been only a few hours away, so I have always been able to spend at least Christmas or Thanksgiving with them. Not so this year. Luckily, I still have something to look forward to: I volunteered to cook the Tofurky for the local VegHeads meetup! Now, forget all of the yucky things you have heard before about the tofurky. Forget bad experiences with dry, rubbery ickiness. I make the BEST darn tofurky you'll ever taste - and I'll have my recipe and pictures posted here by Sunday (Monday at the latest)! It is super fun, and super simple to make. This is one recipe that I am very excited to share!

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